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Diesel generator electrical control

1. Remote Emergency Stop Cannot Be Realized

A. Confirm the remote contact was normally realized.
B. Confirm the CV2 agreed adaptor was installed in 550, with correct connection.
C. Confirm CV2 related connection wires are correct free of miss.
D. Confirm the genset is of auto standby mode.
E. Confirm the secrete remote codes input correctly. 
2. Remote Monitor Cannot Be Realized
A. Confirm the monitor software is correctly installed in a remote PC.
B. Confirm the setting of contact parameters of monitor interface correctly , corresponding with the actual connection modes.
C. In case of contact of dialing numbers, confirm the MODEM correctly tested by 550, confirm correct settings of remote MODEM.
D. Confirm contact circuit correct and reliable, free of busy.
E. Confirm the contact interface correctly connected with the contact module.
3.The generator sets unable to stop automatically in the auto mode
A. Confirm the public power resumes normal completely.
B. Confirm there is no actions of public power inductor.
C. Confirm completion of delay of auto stop.
D. Check if the magnetic valve of fuel is normal, replace if necessary.
E. For the genset with the electronic speed adjusting system, confirm all EPG settings are correct and reasonable.
F. Confirm correct settings of oil volume of oil injection pump.
4. Unable to stop manually
A. Inspect the positions of key switch and control switch are correct.
B. Power World Co. nfirm all ele, ctri,  cal control parts are normal.
C. Inspect if the magnetic valve of fuel is normal, replace if necessary.
D. For the generator sets with the electronic speed adjusting system, confirm all EPG , settings are correct and reasonable.
E. Confirm correct setting of oil volume of oil injector.
F. For 550, confirm the generator sets  runs , man, , ually.
5. The diesel generator sets unable to undertake load
A. Check if the voltage is normal.
B. Check features of load, confirm free of overload and leading power factor.
C. Confirm the handle of MCCB upwards and set of all items are correct and reasonable.
D. For clients equipped with ATS, especially inspect ATS and relevant parts.
E. Inspec, t all connection wires controlled by ATS, ensure there is no mistakes.
F. Confirm ATS transfer control switch isn’t at the"MAINS" position.
G. In case of A, TS transfe, r control , switch away of the"AUTO" position, confirm the connected public power without normal voltage.
H. Confirm the power of the genset , correctly connected with ATS terminals.
I. Confirm the main AC contact of ATS flexible, without block.

6. Low Voltage Alarming
A. Measure the actual value of voltage output of the diesel generator set.
B. Confirm there is no deflection on meter indication.
C. In case of low actual voltage, inspect as procedures and readjust AVR.
D. Confirm normal rotary speed /frequency.
E. In case of normal actual voltage, check if the circuit for display of voltage is correct.
F. Especially inspect the three fuses are normal and connected reliably.
G. Confirm there is no big variant of three phases of voltage.
H. Confirm there is no miss of phase.
I. Confirm in case of alarming, there is no big variant of load.
J. Confirm the genset runs without overload.
K. For 550 electrical control systems, check if the alarming limit of low voltage is reasonable.
7. High Voltage Alarming
A. Measure the actual value of vo, ltage output of the genset.
B. Confirm there is no deflection on meter indication.
C. In case of high of actua1 voltage, inspect as procedures and readjust AVR.
D. Confirm free of capacitive load and leading power factor.
E. Confirm normal rotary speed/frequency.
F. In case of normal actual vo, ltage, check if the circuit for display of voltage is correct.
G. For 550 electrical control system, check if the alarming limit of high voltag, e is r, easonable

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